Community sustainable development

The links between biodiversity, conservation and poverty reduction have been explored, debated and incorporated into key policy. Alternative livelihoods projects such as keeping livestock to reduce demand for bush meat or income generating projects such as woodlots reducing the reliance on forest products for fuel are great projects if implemented. The provision of fuel-efficient stoves can further reduce consumption of wood for fuel and has positive benefits for human health and welfare. Community forestry or community based protected areas has the potential to empower community groups. Protected areas and nature-based tourism can provide direct employment, for example as rangers and guides, and support other income generation activities.

BICO supports community sustainable developments geared towards initiatives poverty eradication as well as conserving biodiversity hot spots. To this end, BICO supports numerous Alternative livelihoods through training to help local communities become more self-sufficient, eradicate hunger and reduce dependability. The ultimate goal is to help them move beyond subsistence to surplus. BICO has been active in sponsoring food gardens at both the family and community level. We have also helped to develop innovative cash crop projects that can provide both food to eat and surplus for cash sale.