Water & sanitation program

Water scarcity in Kenya has been an issue for decades, as only a small percentage of the country’s land is optimal for agriculture, and the year-round climate is predominantly arid. People should do their best to conserve water for three reasons. The less water used or wasted by people, the less clean water will become contaminated. Kenya faces challenges in water provision with erratic weather patterns in the past few years causing droughts and water shortages. Kenya also has a limited renewable water supply and is classified as a water scarce country. Urban migration contributes to challenges in sanitation, as people crowd into cities and urban growth is unregulated.  Due to lack of access to water and sanitation, diarrhea is second to pneumonia in deaths in children under five years of age (excluding neonatal). Water, sanitation and hygiene related illnesses and conditions are the number one cause of hospitalization in children under age five. Access to water and sanitation also contribute to time savings for women, more hours in school for girls, and fewer health costs. We have been supporting the needs of water and sanitation especially to school children. We on the other hand work with local schools through health and sanitation education. This program aims at ensuring that the local communities have clean and save water. The highest priority for BICO Water and Sanitation programme is improving and optimizing access to safe water and helping provide adequate sanitation to all.